A Canceled Gig With A Happy Ending

I went to play a Sunday brunch gig at the Waynesville Inn and Country Club today and as we were getting ready to set up our equipment, the restaurant manager came up and said something like “you’re not playing today, I sent an email to the bandleader a few days ago. No more music for the Sunday brunch.” Well, isn’t that just grand. The leader of the trio got no such email and had an agreement (a verbal handshake agreement but legally binding nevertheless) that two weeks notice would be given if the music had to be discontinued. So I drive an hour for a $75 gig only to be turned away by a sketchy restaurant manager. Hissssssss! So where’s the happy ending with that you ask?

As we sat outside in disappointment, a family that heard us play another time came up and said that they came especially to hear us play and were looking forward to the brunch. We told them the bad news and they too were disappointed. But here’s what was a pleasant surprise – they said that they weren’t going to patronize the place that unfairly treated us and invited us out for lunch with them at a different nearby restaurant! It was a good reminder that although there a lot of people who could care less about jazz, there are some who not only appreciate the music but also understand that the musicians need to be fairly treated from a business perspective too. I had a nice lunch with good food and good conversations with an interesting and pleasant family. Many thanks to this family for turning a bad gig into a good day.

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